Six Degree is considered the first recognizable social media site. Created in 1997, it allowed users to upload a profile to connect with other people online.  Nowadays, people use social media for many different reasons. Some of the main functions include connecting with friends, business marketing, and staying up to date with current news and events. When used correctly, social media can serve as a great tool. Consider these 25 Ways You’ve Been Using Social Media Wrong for Years.  Whenever you’re unsure whether you should cite the source or not, just put yourself in the artist’s shoes. Would you want someone else to pass something you created as their own? A good way to ensure your safety is by uploading pictures or videos only after you have left the physical location where they were taken. You should also never share your phone number, address, or any other sensitive information online. However, taking your frustrations out on social media shouldn’t be something you do regularly. For one, people have their own problems and shouldn’t have to hear about your issues every day. Also, social media should be a place people can visit for positive vibes and helpful information. Companies like Fox and CNN are adapting to the times and are creating social media accounts to post breaking news. No matter where you are getting your current events, it’s always a good idea to fact check with multiple sources before sharing “news” online. However, if you’re only uploading pictures of yourself with heavy filters, this could be misleading for your followers. Everyone is different in their own beautiful way. When people overly use these popular filters, it just makes everyone look the same. Researchers have discovered that more than one in three young people experienced some form of bullying online. It’s important to always be respectful to others because you never know what someone is going through and how your words could affect them. If you meet someone you would want to connect with, don’t be afraid to add them on social media. While trading phone numbers can be a good way to stay connected, you get a better picture of who someone is by looking at their social media accounts. Thoughtful posts are so much more meaningful than a rambling string of tweets. Limiting your posts also forces you to share only the best content with your followers. If you’re the kind of person who can’t help but post every aspect of your day, try to cut back your posts in increments. Instead of uploading your daily gym selfie you could post a healthy dinner recipe. Instead, try to request and accept followers who are interested in the same things you like to post about. New connections with similar interests will be more likely to comment on your posts and like your pictures. Even if you don’t have a business, you can still use social media to market yourself. LinkedIn is an American business and employment-oriented service that helps professionals network and market themselves. Giving your followers a glimpse into your day-to-day routine can make you seem more relatable. It’s also a good way to keep your followers interested and engaged. Keeping up to date with what’s going on around you can help you make sure that your posts stay relevant. It could also attract more people to your page and more attention to organizations you support. Before you Snapchat your bartender pouring your favorite drink, make sure you get their permission first. Also, try to consider the other person’s perspective before deciding to post anything that isn’t about you. If you ever find yourself being tempted to log on to their profile, first ask yourself, “How would I feel if they were spying on me?” Then try to understand the possible reasons for your lack of trust. If you find yourself experiencing FOMO, try to focus on being present in the here and now. It’s also important to accept the fact that you can’t be everywhere all the time and there will be events you simply can’t make it to. That’s why it’s important to realize early on that what you see on social media isn’t real life. Most people post only the content they want their followers to see. You should never let social media define your happiness. This way of communicating can be fun but it shouldn’t be used as your only way of communication. Nothing beats having face-to-face interactions with the people you care about the most. Different content works better for different social media platforms. For example, a 10-second video clip of you singing is probably more acceptable for Snapchat than it is on Facebook or LinkedIn. Instead of using your profile to boast about your cool job or your recent trip to paradise, try using it as a place to spread awareness for things you believe in. It’s okay to show off every now and then but don’t make every post all about you. If you start to think of social media as another way to network and meet more people, you may be more inclined to accept and request more followers. You never know how many new connections you can make simply by reaching out. A lot of things can be accomplished in the amount of time you spend on social media. If you find yourself losing track of time while surfing the web, try limiting yourself to no more than a couple of hours of screen time a day. That’s why it’s important to set the right privacy settings for your accounts. If you want to share your social media with close friends and family only, there are ways to control who views your profile under the privacy settings. If you’re not updating your profile, what’s the point of having one? You don’t have to update it every day if you don’t want to. However, you should at least try to update your profile every few weeks or months.  Instead of strictly posting during a certain time, try spreading your posts out throughout the day. This will ensure that your followers won’t forget you, but they also won’t get tired of constantly seeing your content.

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