It’s a situation we find ourselves in today. Baby Boomers label their younger counterparts as lazy, entitled, and easily offended. And let’s not forget about all the things Millenials have “ruined” for society. Needless to say, Baby Boomers have been vocal when it comes to their disdain for the younger generations. Recently, we as young people have also started speaking up. After all, we can find more than a few things that Boomers got wrong. Today we point the finger back at Baby Boomers and shed light on their mistakes. These are 25 Ways Baby Boomers Screwed Over Younger Generations. Gone are the days of getting a job in your field fresh out of high school; now we have full-time unpaid internships. While Boomers didn’t create internships, the concept of working for experience didn’t come about until the eighties, after Boomers had taken control of the job market. The same doesn’t go for younger generations. Most Boomer employers want people with a degree and years of experience, something that younger generations just haven’t had the chance to gain. Instead of increasing what’s required to make a living wage, Boomers seem to be content with the fact that younger generations often have to juggle multiple jobs just to scrape by. Science has proven, however, that people are more productive and have better mental health when they work measured hours. Working less isn’t something that’s acceptable in the culture that Boomers helped create. On the other hand, most of the complaints younger generations get from Boomers is that we just don’t do things the way they want us to. Most people in the older generation are willing to give up on marriage rather than making it work. This has caused issues for many young people regarding the idea of settling down and having a family. Because of this, many Baby Boomers don’t understand why younger generations struggle so much. They just don’t realize how lucky they were to be born in a time when it was so easy to achieve your life goals. Although it’s not expected that Social Security will run out completely in the future, it is expected that the following generations will be getting far less money than Baby Boomers get today. It’s been proposed that the age at which a person is eligible for social security should be raised to 70 rather than 65 to combat this, but Boomers have done little to actually put this plan into action. Because of the strict regulations that were made during the time, the same can’t be said about today’s housing market. It’s become harder to build new houses and because Boomers are looking to sell large houses that were made decades ago, it’s nearly impossible for younger generations to afford to live on their own. Boomer politicians have cut so much funding to classes like Home Economics, Woodshop, and Finances in exchange for rigorous test programs. Now schools only care about how a student does on their yearly tests rather than if they can balance a checkbook. Boomers that have amassed this wealth wish to keep as much of it as possible and vote to cut taxes on the rich and increase taxes on the poor. With many employers wanting more work experience and companies cutting back on how many jobs they provide, it makes it difficult for younger people to find good jobs. Due to the fact that there are so many more Baby Boomers than there are younger voters, they tend to be able to block progressive laws that younger voters vote for. Now England finds itself in one of its worst recessions and older voters are the cause of it. It’s important to realize that many Boomers have shucked off these ideals now that the world is more open-minded, but there’s still a lot of work to be done. Instead, it has allowed Boomers that are rich or in control of corporations to keep all of their money and buy out smaller companies for themselves. Instead of trying to pay it off, Boomers in charge are more than content to let us younger people deal with the massive debts they’ve collected over the last few decades. Not only that, but the generation also controls how much money grants give to low-income students, making it harder than ever for a low-income student to go to school without ending up in debt. The idea of abolishing student loan debt for future generations has been the talk of the political world as of late. Most Baby Boomers have said it isn’t fair that they should have to pay for their student loans and younger generations shouldn’t. Because this is not the mentality that Boomers grew up with, they’re prone to calling young folk “lazy” and “entitled.” An intergenerational study by Bupa U.K. showed that Baby Boomers were the most likely age group to delay or avoid seeking medical help for symptoms associated with mental health, even though many of them deal with it. In fact, many of them ignore these symptoms altogether simply because they don’t consider mental health as a serious issue. It not only makes younger generations feel like their problems don’t matter, but it also leaves many older people dealing with these issues on their own. Seek help, Boomer. With the increase in popularity of cheap and affordable food from supermarkets came the decrease in regulations on food companies. Ever since, food has been packed with chemicals to help preserve them. It’s not exactly what you would call a healthy way to eat. The only problem is that many Baby Boomers refuse to accept this fact. They’re stuck in their old ways and become confused or angry when they don’t understand why something isn’t the way it used to be. Lately, they’ve passed laws that make life harder for immigrants already here and for immigrants trying to come into the country. It would make sense that the ruling generation would acknowledge this and do their best to make sure the planet will be stable for generations after. But Baby Boomers seem to be just fine with ignoring science and not take the appropriate steps to do what’s needed to protect the environment. ““We Aren’t Terrorists”” by Edu-Tourist is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 “Older man II” by Marco Toet is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0 “December 24, 2016” by osseous is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “PICT0118__” by dankueck is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 “Different generations” by Tobias Zils is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0 “grant a loan” by mikecohen1872 is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge” by Christopher Hilton is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 “Losing Hand” by Damian Gadal is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “Mountain Stream” by Neillwphoto is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 “le a balkezesekkel! / down with the left-handed people!” by Eszter Drienyovszki is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0 “Demo5” by BScar23625 is licensed under CC0 1.0 “Stemlokaal provinciale verkiezingen 2015” by Sebastiaan ter Burg is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 “Jobs Announcement at Domino Sugar” by MDGovpics is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “Taxes” by Got Credit is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “66018775.uFx0G01v.SL_034” by torres21 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 “Photo Jul 23, 3 04 19 PM” by danielmoyle is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “Coalition to Save Our Social Security Delivers Petition to D.C. SSA Office to Keep Field Offices Open” by AFGE is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “Must the old block which relocates” by Barlow.Z is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 “Wedding, Married” by Peter Wiezoreck is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0 “Young and Old” by JosieMM1013 is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0 “Elmer” by wheatfieldbrown is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 “D.C. Minimum Wage Bill Signed into Law” by UFCW400Local is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “2015 Workforce of the Future KP Fontanta - Rancho Cucamonga 00588” by tedeytan is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 “SRNS Intern Reception” by Savannah River Site is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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