Just like staying healthy and in-shape, there is no magic pill to make everything 100% peachy 24/7. Even the best of relationships have their rough patches, and it’s a safe bet to say that most of us have had a relationship fail when we didn’t expect it to. All this said, there are things we can do to help keep our relationships running top-notch with maybe only an occasional rough few days here and there. Sometimes the best advice is to take no advice, while sometimes a little advice now and then goes a long way. If you are feeling like some advice would help you right now, here are 25 Tips To Help Your Relationships Run Smoother. Feature Image: shutterstock.com For what it’s worth, that happy couple on your social media page has rough days/months/years, too. We can promise you. The only exception is when you’re playing against each other during family or friend game night. Then it’s game on! It’s also not fair to try to make your other half feel guilty for spending time with friends away from you. If you trust them, there is no reason to get jealous. Having fun times also does things with brain chemistry to help you connect with your other half. Oxytocin is a beautiful thing. PS: Get off your cell phone.

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