In 1983 Copperfield was able to make the Statue of Liberty disappear on live television. He raised a giant curtain covering the entire statue and when he lowered it again a few seconds later the place where the statue stood was empty. As a bonus, Copperfield even pointed searchlights at the empty space in order to show that there was nothing blocking the way. David Copperfield is in the list again for being able to come up with a brilliant illusion despite not having any technological gadget around during his time. He was able to show himself levitating in the Grand Canyon, a feat that is next to impossible. Penn and Teller perform the bullet catch; a trick in which they are able to capture the bullet fired by each other. The bullets are often marked by the audience in order to recognize them again. This trick is deemed legitimate by experts. Although levitation tricks has already been done by David Copperfield, the tricks of Criss Angel are astounding, he performs it on the street with his audience just a few feet away from him which makes the illusion even more convincing. While some believe that he was really floating on air, Criss explains that it is just a simple trick. David Copperfield has done a series of impressive illusions including the ability to quickly go around the Great Wall of China. When this trick was performed, video technology was not as advanced as today’s so it took Cooperfield some time to create and plan out the trick. He relied on wit, speed and creativity to pull out this amazing stunt which made him legendary. The popularity of Criss Angel’s show Mindfreak, Believe and Phenomenon where at an all time high when he performed this trick. He was able to walk on water! Criss Angel is said to be a dark magician because of these tricks. This is an emerging type of magic trick wherein people participating can write their prediction on an envelope, place an address and put a stamp on it to be handed to a friend. The prediction can be about the result of a football game or any other question the person might ask and the answer will just be mailed to the individual to their amazement. It is a genius form of illusion suited for the 21st century. The audience loved the performances of Paul Daniels because they were fast, engaging and really entertaining. The movements that he made involved a long process and Paul Daniels was seen as his niche’s best during his time and was even awarded the prestigious “Magician of the Year Award” by the Hollywood Academy of Magical Arts in 1983. David Copperfied is known for his theatrics, sense of humor; and his ease and tact with the crowd which made him endearing to the audience. This trick is hard to explain in a logical manner and is considered to be one of the best illusions ever done in the world due to the sheer complexity of making thirteen people disappear out of thin air. David Coppefield deserves the top spot due to his sheer tact and brilliance in the magic tricks and illusions he performs. Many would say that he is the greatest magician of all time. In this act he was able to teleport himself and another spectator to Hawaii. This act has never been surpassed and is still a big mystery to a lot of people.

25 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 1825 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 1825 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 825 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 5825 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 8925 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 5825 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 6325 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 325 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 3625 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 2225 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 7225 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 8925 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 8025 Most Impressive Magic Tricks Ever - 27